Upon digesting “The Way Home or face The Fire”, this “Little Book” of Revelation, chapter 10, I knew beyond any shadow of doubt that it was The Living Word of God for The End Times. Consequently, it is now easy for me to understand key words or phrases of scripture such as “Ye are gods”, “The Second Death”, and “The Morning Star” just to name a few. Things that weren’t so clear are now quite clear. I literally get revelations daily and you will too, if you will start from the beginning, persevere through it, believe and do the things that are shown to you.
Although a very small book, it is without a doubt the greatest book ever given to us by The Ruler of the Universe. It is the long awaited promised truth bestowed to us by The Father through His Infinite Compassion and Wisdom. Hopefully it will awaken a world that has slumbered in darkness for 6,000 years. It is now time for us to wake-up from that darkness and face the Light. It is crucial that we do this to ever have any hopes of returning home (see Rev. 2:28 and
22:16) where we once lived with our true family and friends. Believe it, and The Book will enlighten you, comfort you, and heal you - even as it has done for me.
In Spirit and in Truth