
Below you will find a collection of reviews and testimonials from readers who have enjoyed and benefitted from reading "The Way home or face The Fire" and wish to spread the word.

Testimony for The Way Home or Face the Fire (long over-due)

Words cannot explain how wonderful this book is and how it has literally changed my life, for the good. Each time we re-read the book, we continue to get more understanding and Truths. Please, everyone take the time to read this book, from the beginning to the end. Hopefully it will change your life as it certainly has mine.

"The Way Home" is the ONLY Survival Plan that works

I've been in Awe now for 7 years after reading and digesting TWHOFTF. I have been a truth seeker for 48 years and finally the "Great I AM" gave me the Gift of Life! and on the front page was Congratulations! I knew that I knew I finally found the Way Home!

John 1:14 [King of kings Bible]

1:14 And the Word was made flesh (incarnated), and dwelt among us, (and we
beheld his glory, the glory as of the only incarnated of the Father) full of
Grace and Truth (Nazir in Hebrew).

He has always lived among us but the blind has made us blind not to see Him,
I have found Him in person and I tell everyone not to put any thing in
between him or her and God seek him personally and not through anyone, listen
to those who come to you but make sure what they tell you correspond with
what "The Teacher" taught us and remember Galatians 1:5-81:5 To Whom [be]


Thank you

This is to inform you that, I have read THE WAY HOME and the information and the truth in the book, is amazing. Now, I'm following by God's grace and my joy is now full. Master, I can not thank you enough for helping me to know the truth and understand who I am. Thank you so very much.


After spending over 50 years of my life loving God and trying to do the right thing I feel that I have finally read something which agrees with "the crazy ideas" I have been having for decades.

Thanks be to God maker of all things.

- Marc B

This is The "I AM" SCANNER

I have lots of challenges in my life and seek God's intervention. I was on the net searching for missing parts of the Holy BIBLE, and suddenly I was directed to the jahtruth site. After downloading and digesting TWHOFTF, I discovered that the "I AM" has, in HIS MERCY, once again given humanity an ultimate Life SCANNER, to check our status before HIM, to know what we need to do, and most



I've read "The Way home or face The Fire" and I continue to read it over and over again.

"The Way home or face The Fire" is direct from outer space to Planet Earth. Thank-You.


Dear JAH,
I want to personally thank-you for writing this extraordinary book. Now it makes sense who I am why i am here and what i must do to be able to get back home. I know now how much you really Love us. The "little stone" came at a time in my life where I had given up Hope of finding the truth or I should say given up on life.



I first discovered this book 6 months ago, during a troubled time in my life. Everything you wrote is now making perfect sense after reading over and over again. It truly has been the best thing that has ever happened to me. It hasn't been easy and I've made mistakes along the way striving to be like Jesus, because I know he is The Way I must become to go home. Each day I pray and talk to God constantly. Thank you for your sacrifice and your loving ways. I feel well equipped with God's Armor and I want to help you in the fight against evil.

Love always,

The Way Home

I wanted to write and personally give my thanks to you for making The Way Home available. I can honestly say that it is one of the most life-changing things I have ever read in my entire life. It has answered questions that I have had for my entire life, and given me clarity about my life. I can not even express in words how grateful I am for finding and reading it.

The most extraordinary Book on the face of this Planet

The Way home or face The Fire" is the most extraordinary Book on the face of this Planet (Earth). It shatters every lie since the beginning of the War in Heaven led by Lucifer and his Angels.


The answer you have been looking for.

Who am I? What am I? Where am I? What is the meaning of life?

If you have ever looked for the answer to any of these questions, then this book is for you.

If you study this book, you will find the answers to those questions. You will begin to realize that little things from your past happened for a particular reason. Things that you did not understand at the time will be made plain and you will begin to make sense of your life.


The Way to come back to the without end meadow

Sometimes, Life was like an unending meadow
Sweet and fun, not one bit of sorrow

But somehow you decided to leave
Chasing a greener one as you believed
And life became tough, cruel and vicious

With mistakes and failures, to drive out your peace
Everything was lost; death soon to be the reality
Didn't you know the choice comes with the cost?

Somehow, Life is a being garden of knowing
Where you spent a time there to rest
Hope came to ease up your mess, and love offered you a way out

You couldn't help to say wow, to realize you're loved
Sometime, Life puts you again on its two-way street

This time you are unsure where to go...

Read this book, to look inside your soul
The Way to come back to the without end meadow


Who am I?

A curve for a narrow mind is a straight line.

A straight line for a good mind is a dot.

A dot for itself is nothing.

Who am I?

The answer is surely found in "The Way Home or Face the Fire"

Star Wars

In my mind I have always known that Star Wars was real... It is indeed the history of the human race. - demonseye



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